22 July 2010

Thanksgiving Thursdays

No. I didn't hit my head and wake up thinking today was Thanksgiving. I decided today, after receiving so many thoughtful wishes and surprising gifts yesterday that I would begin a new blog day unique to this blog that tons of other blogs are probably doing. Thanksgiving Thursdays. Well, I could call it Thankful Thursdays, but I like thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday and I think it is close to being put on the endangered list. It sits between its two natural predators, Halloween and Christmas, with very little hope of holding its own unless we intervene. We have a lot to be thankful for. Medicine, Air-conditioning, Tacos...the list is practically infinite. That's the problem. We have tooooo many things. So instead of being thankful, we're complacent. Maybe worse, we're expectant and take most of it for granted. Did I mention coffee?
Anyway, so Thursdays are now my little day in the middle of my little week where I am going to stop and think(like Dora!) and remember some of the things I am truly thankful for.
I can't teach Ruby to say thank you and mean it if I don't understand and practice the concept myself. Not convincingly at least...and lately she's got to be convinced of EVERYTHING.

So This Thursday's Ten Things I am Thankful For:
1. The Internet
2. The Power that brings me and provides the internet
3. That my daughter's favorite vegetable is peas. (That she has a favorite vegetable.)
4. That my husband has a job, and works it solely for his family.
5. Refrigeration
6. Corn dogs
7. Hugs
8. My friends remembering my birthday in all of their own unique ways.
9. Quiet time
10. Gentle Breezes

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