11 July 2010

Blueberries and Birthdays

Today we FINALLY went blueberry picking. This is what I asked to do to celebrate my upcoming birthday. We went to a little family run place about and hour away from home called Valley Orchard.
I'm so glad I went searching yesterday one last time to triple check that there weren't two hours south of us.
Look Mom! Strawberries!

I spent about a half hour picking blueberries while J spent the half hour wrangling Ruby, occasionally picking a stray blueberry, either from the bushes or other stranger's buckets. It was quick but fun. We went home with about a quart of blueberries. Not a lot, but plenty for the three of us considering only one of us eats blueberries. Ruby vehemently dislikes berries of all kinds and calls anything resembling a berry a strawberry. This of course is only in my presence. For her babysitter, she eats strawberries. For her Grandmother, she eats blueberries. For me, she eats cookies.

All in all I had a nice experience. I got to see what blueberry bushes looked like. I got to taste a fresh berry from the bush. I got to feel the sun on my skin, hear my girl 'make friends,' and walked away with a quart of blueberries for all under five dollars.
Real Blueberries

So far, the end of my thirtieth year is looking pretty good. A nice quiet trip planned for next weekend. Going out on my birthday courtesy of a friend. My boss is even having a crawfish boil the weekend after my birthday that I am jokingly referring to as my, "birthday boil." July is looking pretty sweet.

1 comment:

  1. You could make blueberry cookies for her. =)
