30 August 2010

Menu Monday and September: A Preview

That's right! Two, count them two, posts for the price of one. So with one more day until September I am already booked up with things to do until the 13th. Every year around this time I cook a large feast for the SCA group I play with, occasionally. This year is big one. I chose to do a historical documented late period Roman feast. (300-400 C.E.) We're talking end of the Roman Empire, Hello Visigoths! They still ate like the Romans. I mean who wouldn't? After doing all of my research, my conclusion is that they didn't eat much differently than we did and even had fast food places and street vendors. They couldn't even go to their midday bath at the bath house unless they knew there would be snacks.
Anyway, that basically means I'm going to be doing a lot of prepping and I'm making feast my official personal project of the month. I'm already half way done with the papier-mache pig.
Later in the month Ruby will be going to her grandparents house in Kentucky for the first time, sans parents. During which time J and I will be taking off of work and getting the house in order. Purging, painting, rearranging - All good things to accomplish before the winter hits and we go into hibernation. Yes. We are bears. That will be this months home-improvement project.
Also starting on the 2nd, my online courses for my business degree. I've already checked it out. Looks pretty fast paced which I'm happy about. I was a little worried it'd be a little too independent. I definitely know by now that I am a student that needs clear deadlines and assignments. I never liked having to be somewhere at a specific time so online classes seem like a perfect match for me. Thus, the third and final project for September. Don't fret. In October I will return to my normal crafty self. Here's a visual of one of the projects now.

Think two round chair pillows strapped at the shoulder. Cause that's what it is and they're charging 60 bucks for it.

 This weeks menu is still a work in progress because my shopping schedule has been thrown off due to a Sunday sausage-making session. So I will leave some blanks to be filled in after the shopping is done on Wednesday.

Monday: Pan-fried rice cakes, Scrambled eggs, scallions, bacon.
Tuesday: Turkey meatloaf, mashed cauliflower-potatoes, green beans (never made it last week)
Wednesday: Pumpkin hummus, spinach-yogurt dip, pita bread, roasted chickpeas
Thursday:  Brine treated BLSL Chicken Breast, Farro-sotto (feast recipe try out) except with celery and parsnips, Peas.
Friday: TBD
Saturday: TBD
Sunday: TBD

28 August 2010

Thanksgiving ThurSaturday

Okay so on Thursday I thought about doing this and then somehow, seemingly seconds later, it was Saturday. Right now. Crazy.

Thankful Ten
1. Finding a meat market that will customize a big order without charging me more for it.
2. The internet
- Where else could I find HUNDREDS of blogs, articles, pictures, and youTube videos on making a papier-mache pig?
3. My brain.
- It's a really great brain. Creative. Thoughtful. Attentive. Industrious. What? I like my brain.
4. The Backyardiagans 
- Finally a show that doesn't drive me crazy.
5. Yummy dinners
- I'm actually sticking to the menu this week and we're all very happy with the results.
6. That my husband did the laundry while I was at work 
7. Ruby wanting to be a donut for halloween
8. Goldilocks and the Three Bears
9. Both my parents still being alive. No really..I mean both.
10. Online degree programs

23 August 2010

Menu Monday: The Confession Edition plus Progress Report

Okay so in addition to this being my menu post it will also be a one week until the end of the month progress report. What have I done this month? Not much. I finished the butterfly project. I did an owl craft for a friend of mine. Here are some specific things I haven't done in the entire month of August.
1. Cleaned the kitchen** or bathroom floors.
2. Deep cleaning of the bathroom
3. Fridge Cleaning
4. Put away clean laundry
5. Cleared out anything to get rid of or give.
6. Cared about cleaning at all.

So, I'm hoping that today I can get myself into a manic fit and do it. Maybe all it will take is the lovely smell of bleach water to get me started. Soon if I don't do something a new species of sentient leftovers will be discovered in our home, watching tv and eating popcorn.
ETA: I just finished cleaning the kitchen, its floor and walls. So at least something has been accomplished. I am about to embark on a journey through the clean laundry pile. It has come to my attention that if I would simply fold the clothes as they arrived from the laundry room this would not happen. I have known this for sometime yet still choose to do nothing. Maybe it's a weird genetic thing or medical condition. I'll make a note to get this tested asap but I may have to postpone laundry folding to do so. 

So on to the menu:

Monday: Oven Chicken Nuggets, Sweet potato fries, Broccoli
Tuesday: Turkey-Quinoa Meatloaf, Cheddar rice casserole, Peas
Wednesday: Crepes with Cottage Cheese, Apples, Bacon
Thursday: Crock-pot Chicken Paprikash, Green beans
Friday: Salmon with roasted beet salad, oranges, and avocados.
Saturday: Ham and Cheddar rice casserole(leftovers), peas
Sunday: Shrimp, spinach-yogurt dip, pita chips, cucumbers

19 August 2010

Thanksgiving Thursday

Well I'm not running for the hills, screaming like a loon so I guess it's been kind of quiet lately.
It's been a pretty decent week so far. It started with a birthday and is ending with one.

1. Washable Markers
2. Google images - without which I would have no idea how to make frog, worm, and bug cupcakes.
3. That I do NOT own a bedazzler.
4. Financial Aid for Education
5. Quilling kits
6. That Ruby hums when she's contented.
7. That Ruby hums a lot.
8. Being able to get girl time at work. I love multi-tasking.
9. Having lots of time before work in the morning to read or nap in the tub, or whatever.
10. My gas grill and the quick delicious and easy dinners it makes possible.

16 August 2010

Birthday Project: Owls

Too many birthdays in August. Seriously. Thankfully J wants new glasses so I'm not making anything but dinner for him. So it was a friends birthday on Saturday. Started the project last week but it wasn't nearly dry in time for Friday delivery. Luckily it wasn't because I was able to tweak it a little and I'm really happy with the outcome.

Oh you want a closer look?

It's inspired from a stamp I saw somewhere. I used mostly scrapbook papers, a craft knife,  markers, and a flower punch. Look how good it looks matted and framed.

Gotta love those Wal-mart four dollar frames. Happy Birthday Abigail.

Menu Monday: More Healthy Food

So this week features J's birthday. In celebration, we will have one day of not so healthy food, since that seems to be his favorite kind. I think we're all doing pretty well with the adjustment. It's been over a week since I stopped going somewhere for coffee/empty calories. Never got to the flank steak from last week so I'll fit it in this week.

Monday: Turkey and Whole-wheat Spaghetti Night with fresh spinach and peas.
Tuesday: The Birthday Dinner: Bratwurst, Brocco-Blueberry Coleslaw, Green Beans
Wednesday: Grilled Chicken Salad with Grilled Zucchini and Chickpeas 
Thursday:  Grilled Chili-rubbed Flank Steak, corn tortillas, Avocado and Grapefruit Salad,
Friday: Date Night (Maybe Medieval Times)
Saturday: Pantry-raided Chopped Salad with Leftovers
Sunday: Grilled Tilapia, Grilled Sweet Corn, and Grilled Farmer's Market Veggie or the day.

15 August 2010


Sometimes I just need to breathe. Song lyrics for a reason, right?
Lately I've been having to breathe so often I'm very close to hyperventilating. I read an interesting blog post earlier in the week about stress being a choice. That if we feel stressed it's because we're choosing to react that way to a certain situation. I agree with that line of thinking though I often find it difficult to come up with an alternative at all let alone a better one. When I sit down and think about the situations that I'm choosing to be stressed about I tend to realize that all of those situations are a result of my actions or most of the time, inaction. So why am I choosing to do these things/not do these things that ultimately lead me to choose to react in such a stressful manner? The only answer I can think of is that I like it.
I grew up in a stress-filled home, with stress-filled parents, that had stress-filled jobs. I think it may be my natural habitat. I may not actually know how to survive in a stress-free environment. I'm still going to try. I have been holding on to a lot of things. Literally things, materials, objects, etc., that cause me emotional and physical stress reactions anytime I look at them. Well it's mostly the placement and sheer volume of these things that cause the reaction, not the individuals items. I'm holding on to them for the following reasons:
  1. They represent money I spent and I feel that if I get rid of it I am throwing, giving, losing money. Well it's already gone. No need reminding yourself everyday of past mistakes and regrets. A little sick, really.
  2. I think I'll need them one day. Yeah well, actually it's more like I think it'll be nice to have one day. Or that someone will think it's cool that I still have one, it, them, etc. Awesome, I'm storing useless things for possible future validation by others...a LOT sick. 
  3. I think Ruby will want it. Yes, Ruby may grow up and think it's really great that I saved her first pair of shoes. Do I really need her first booties, snow boots, sandals, dressy shoes, white shoes for after labor day, kitschy animal shoes, or shoes she never even wore but might want her possible daughter to wear one day? (Okay so seriously, how am I not locked up?)
I know that I'm doing it because I wanted those things. There are a lot of things that I'd love to have from my childhood to give to Ruby, except no probably not. They would be almost thirty years old, have been stored in a house/attic in Florida for most of it, above smokers and frequent users of air fresheners. Upon further reflection I hope no one has those toys and they have been passed on to toy heaven to run in a field all day and play toy games or whatever it is toys do in toy heaven. Besides, most of the cool toys have been remade anyway and are being sold as retro toys for three times what they originally cost. So if I really want her to have something I did, I can just tell one of her four sets of grandparents. Yes, I said four, but that's another story for another day. So to further my healing I will now provide an embarrassing example of my problems.

This is just one corner of our bedroom. Know what it is? A pile of dressy clothes, out-grown baby clothes and other random junk to get rid of. TO. GET. RID. OF. Yes, seriously. Now you know why I want the clean sweep team for a week. Every closet is just as bad. We're drowning in toys and laundry, clean and dirty. Luckily there's a week coming up that we'll be Ruby and work free. It will be dealt with, one way or another. Until then, stress mountain will stand proudly. Mocking me.

12 August 2010

Thanksgiving Schmanksgiving

Today is a hard one. Yeah Yeah - Lots to be thankful for. Blah blah blah. Today I'm just not feeling it. Today I just want to hide under a blanket with a never ending pint of Haagen Dazs and call it a week. I'm not though. Dinner is cooking away on the stove. The dishwasher is running. I've even picked up after the first round of Hurricane Ruby. All perk has left the building and I'm not doing it with any joy. I'm guessing a lot of it has to do with the brain melting temperatures outside. There we go...now I know where to begin.

Thankful for:

1. The Air Conditioner: Today it's a trooper - poor little guy.
2. Power. Without which, #1 would not be possible.
3. Walk-in coolers. They are especially awesome when you're dripping with sweat in front of a commercial double stack oven set at 450 degrees.
4. Water. Doesn't even have to be cold. Definitely not hot though. Unless I'm having tea. Today, I'm not.
5. Having a job. If I didn't have one I'd barely be able to leave my home. Also probably wouldn't have one.(A home.)
6. The sore on my tongue from eating too many blueberries. No really. I like blueberries.
7. That my husband provided dinner and child entertainment yesterday when I really needed it.
8. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream on a VERY hot summer day.
9. My big comfy purple chair.
10. Be-Awesome hamsters.

09 August 2010

Birthday Project: Butterflies

So my niece Lilly is turning 6 later this month. Same day she starts her first day of school. She is obsessed with bugs and has been for a few years. First it was ladybugs and now it is butterflies. So when I saw this super cute project I knew I had to make her one. It worked out really well considering they are swimming in toys and asked everyone to lay off buying any. I think there's a six year old that's going to be very happy.

Special Thanks to Sabrina at Honor Roll that I'm pretty sure I saw featured on One Pretty Thing.
Great Inspiration!

Monday Progress Report

So it's diet time. The whole family.
Here's why.
Typical snacks include:
  1. Fruit snacks
  2. Ice Pops
  3. Granola bars(reduced sugar - but still)
  4. Cat cookies from Trader Joe's 
  5. Crackers - any and all kinds
  6. Ice cream
  7. Chips
Notice anything? Yeah. So did I. So here are the replacements:
  1. Fruit - Apples, Grapes, Berries, Plums, Bananas
  2. Veggies - Baby Carrots, Snap Peas
  3. Chocolate Rice Cakes
  4. Yogurt to make our own frozen yogurt. 
  5. Dried Fruit
  6. Almonds
  7. Popcorn
We have lots of yummy fresh food, an awesome grill, and a tiny bit of motivation that I'm going to squeeze until it's dry. It's time to start teaching Ruby the right way to eat.

Menu Monday: The Diet Edition

Okay so we have all gotten out of control. It's come to the time when Momma put us all on a healthy diet again.
Proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It's sad when your preschooler comes home from Grandma's house and all she wants to eat is fruit snacks, ice pops, chips and french fries. So I still have the snacks around but she's going to only get one a day and she'll have to earn it by eating something good for her first. Of course, we aren't exactly nutritional role models, at least not yet.

On to the menu.

Monday - Grilled Turkey Cutlets, Spinach and Grapes.
Tuesday - Grilled Salmon Salad with Potatoes, Eggs, and Green beans
Wednesday - Grilled Chicken, Corn, Tomato, and Zucchini Salad, Whole Wheat Farfalle.
Thursday - Grilled Tilapia, Broccoli Slaw with Apples
Friday - Turkey Kefta Kabobs, Pita bread, Cucumber-Yogurt sauce, Grilled Zucchini
Saturday - Family Pizza Night
 (probably something with spinach, pine nuts, and maybe some of the leftover kefta.
Sunday - Grilled Chili-rubbed Flank Steak, Avocado and Grapefruit Salad, Corn tortillas

05 August 2010

Thanksgiving Thursdays

This is going to be a tough one as this week I seem to have taken a grumpy pill instead of vitamins.

Thank you for:
1. My Home.
2. My Family.
3. That I have the problem of too much stuff.
4. That I have the problem of too much food.
5. That language can be learned by toddlers.
6. That progress can be observed during the above process.
7. Impromptu Spaghetti night.
8. A $3 compass instead of a $20 circle cutter.
9. That my husband hasn't had to work late, or extra at all this week.
10. Weekends at Grandma's with Daddy, while Mommy is at home.


02 August 2010

Menu Monday - The pauper's edition

Okay so we're a little lean this week. We all have those weeks where ends meet, but boy did you have to stttrrreeettchhhh to make that happen. It's only hard when J and I get paid at the same time, instead of one of us getting paid once a week. I hate it when the calender syncs up like that. We are very grateful because we know it could be worse and we know it's mostly our bad decisions. We're still a work in progress just like everyone else.

On to the menu.

Monday - Fried Rice with Veggies and Veggie"Beef tips"
Tuesday - Thai chicken peanut noodles
Wednesday - Tuna Nicoise-style Potato salad
Thursday - Leftovers night or Spaghetti night
Friday - Date Night - no Ruby TBD
Saturday - Dinner at J's parents house. TBD
Sunday - Farmer's Market Day - no Ruby

Yeah..not really a menu. Ruby is going to her grandmother's house in Iowa, this coming weekend. First time she'll be going somewhere without me that I'm not bringing her to and leaving her there. It's only three days.

August Syllabus, July Report Card B-

August. This is what I think of when I say the word. August. Hot. Very Hot. Also overwhelming. This is the last month before the down swing into the holiday season. I've found that the year is a lot like a roller-coaster. The faster you go up to the top, the faster the drop. Since this year has flown by so far I guess there's really only a few weeks until Christmas. Okay so I'm exaggerating. A little.  I've noticed my anxiety levels climbing lately. I'm starting to freak out worry about practically everything, even in my dreams. I'm starting to fray around the edges a little so my August projects might seem a little more Me-focused, than they have been.

Back to business. July Report Card.

House Projects - B
  • Hang Curtains: A
  • Find Something for Kitchen/Ruby work surface: C (I did find something. It needs to be painted and brought over. Since that wasn't done maybe I should give myself an incomplete or something.)
Personal Project - C
I did get a binder for all of the recipes I saved. I didn't organize them, but plan on it today. I also have a cute idea to make it look like my existing recipe book but it involves a trip to a color copier and I have not wanted to provide that amount of effort.

Group Project - B+
We went on all of our field trips. We watched less tv - with the exception of yesterday. It was too darn hot. Plus yesterday was technically August.

So based on my superior math skills I say July was a B- and I'll take it.

August Syllabus

House Project
  1. Make-up work from last month. Finish the kitchen.
  2. Bedroom Makeover. Clean it. Move it around. Get rid of junk.
  3. Clutter purge
Personal Project
  1. Make-up work from last month. Finish the recipe project.
  2. Cousin Lilly's birthday project
Self-improvement Project
Walking program.
I've signed up for a daily newsletter for a walking for fitness and stress reduction plan. Gives goals and set daily requirements and some required thinking activities. I'm hopeful. It seems doable.