12 August 2010

Thanksgiving Schmanksgiving

Today is a hard one. Yeah Yeah - Lots to be thankful for. Blah blah blah. Today I'm just not feeling it. Today I just want to hide under a blanket with a never ending pint of Haagen Dazs and call it a week. I'm not though. Dinner is cooking away on the stove. The dishwasher is running. I've even picked up after the first round of Hurricane Ruby. All perk has left the building and I'm not doing it with any joy. I'm guessing a lot of it has to do with the brain melting temperatures outside. There we go...now I know where to begin.

Thankful for:

1. The Air Conditioner: Today it's a trooper - poor little guy.
2. Power. Without which, #1 would not be possible.
3. Walk-in coolers. They are especially awesome when you're dripping with sweat in front of a commercial double stack oven set at 450 degrees.
4. Water. Doesn't even have to be cold. Definitely not hot though. Unless I'm having tea. Today, I'm not.
5. Having a job. If I didn't have one I'd barely be able to leave my home. Also probably wouldn't have one.(A home.)
6. The sore on my tongue from eating too many blueberries. No really. I like blueberries.
7. That my husband provided dinner and child entertainment yesterday when I really needed it.
8. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream on a VERY hot summer day.
9. My big comfy purple chair.
10. Be-Awesome hamsters.

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