02 August 2010

August Syllabus, July Report Card B-

August. This is what I think of when I say the word. August. Hot. Very Hot. Also overwhelming. This is the last month before the down swing into the holiday season. I've found that the year is a lot like a roller-coaster. The faster you go up to the top, the faster the drop. Since this year has flown by so far I guess there's really only a few weeks until Christmas. Okay so I'm exaggerating. A little.  I've noticed my anxiety levels climbing lately. I'm starting to freak out worry about practically everything, even in my dreams. I'm starting to fray around the edges a little so my August projects might seem a little more Me-focused, than they have been.

Back to business. July Report Card.

House Projects - B
  • Hang Curtains: A
  • Find Something for Kitchen/Ruby work surface: C (I did find something. It needs to be painted and brought over. Since that wasn't done maybe I should give myself an incomplete or something.)
Personal Project - C
I did get a binder for all of the recipes I saved. I didn't organize them, but plan on it today. I also have a cute idea to make it look like my existing recipe book but it involves a trip to a color copier and I have not wanted to provide that amount of effort.

Group Project - B+
We went on all of our field trips. We watched less tv - with the exception of yesterday. It was too darn hot. Plus yesterday was technically August.

So based on my superior math skills I say July was a B- and I'll take it.

August Syllabus

House Project
  1. Make-up work from last month. Finish the kitchen.
  2. Bedroom Makeover. Clean it. Move it around. Get rid of junk.
  3. Clutter purge
Personal Project
  1. Make-up work from last month. Finish the recipe project.
  2. Cousin Lilly's birthday project
Self-improvement Project
Walking program.
I've signed up for a daily newsletter for a walking for fitness and stress reduction plan. Gives goals and set daily requirements and some required thinking activities. I'm hopeful. It seems doable.

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