03 May 2010

Words to Live By

       This fantastic little cross stitch kit found at Home Ec Shop sums up all of the emotions, worries, and whines that I have been having over the last year, possibly longer. I need to Shut 'my' Piehole. It is time to stop whining about how tired am all the time.  Of course I'm tired. Who isn't? I work full time. I attempt to keep a house just clean enough so that child services doesn't come in and declare it unfit for child habitation. Oh, and the child thing; I'm a parent of a three-year old. Big deal, she's not the only three-year old in the world. She's healthy. She's happy. I'd also choose her over my husband to have my back in a bar fight. Let's just say her middle name should be Sassy. She's a handful. What three-year old isn't?
       But that's not why I'm here. I'm here because I am currently failing at life. I'm talking grades, my fellow crazies. (I mean we're all a little crazy, right? Especially us bloggers- talking to faceless strangers about all our inner most secrets and fears. Documenting all of our beautiful and sometimes outlandish likes, talents, and skills.)
       Back to the fail. It's a numbers game. Simply put, there are seven days in a week. In a good week I'm completing just enough tasks to get to the next imaginary "weekend." I wash just enough laundry, that rarely gets folded let alone put away. I cook the basic components of a nutritious meal prepared with no added joy or excitement. Then it's a waiting game until bath time and bedtime so that I can finally go to bed, wake up, and repeat the whole day over again in the great race toward the weekend. For parents, there are no weekends. I've been conditioned my entire life to see the weekend as some sort of promised land, home to all the rewards due from the hard work I had to endure and suffer through Monday through Friday. Every Saturday through Monday, in parenthood, has been one big disappointment and filled with the same drudgery as the work week. Wow, that statement took a long time to realize. Again, back to the math.  Time to confront my demons.

Momma K's Typical Report Card
7 - days a week
0 - projects done
0 - activities for spiritual growth
0 - major home making jobs done
0   Super awesome MoMent.

Those zeros are about to change. Well, I want them to anyway. I have decided it's time to start living, doing, and start passing the course. Throughout my whole life, I have always done barely enough to get by and I have FINALLY realized that simple fact is the reason for my hardship and unhappiness.

Realization: I barely get by.

So, the grand plan:

I will give myself one personal homework assignment in four subjects.
Personal Project, Spirit, House Management, and Mommy:101.
As someone always fond of grading on a curve and realism,  I have dropped one day from the equation, hence:

4 assignments/6day = passing grade.

Coming soon: The Syllabus.
God Speed, fellow crazies.

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