06 September 2010

Menu Monday: The OMG I'm busy edition

Okay so No more eating out this week but no super fancy stuff either. I've got deadlines and detailed lists of tasks to accomplish by certain days and dinners are barely going to squeeze themselves into my plans. Mostly because I think I'm legally obligated to feed the roo-monster and in the long run I'll probably get more things done with the proper fuel.


Monday: Dinner with the in-laws
Tuesday:  Tacos, south-western rice, green beans
Wednesday: Frozen Bag Meal - pasta something, peas
Thursday: Grilled Cheese and Ham, Broccoli
Friday: Feast Transport/Prep - Roo with her Daddy
Saturday: Feast
Sunday: Family dinner night - Pancakes.

Wish me luck. Major updates next week.

Thankful Sunday

Wow - okay so this week and next week has been/is going to be crazy busy. I have two chapters to read, two assignments for those chapters, and two discussions I have to get done by Sunday. I also have that HUGE dinner I'm cooking on Saturday for 200 people. That in itself requires running around and gathering ingredients, doing prep work and packing every day this week. Did I mention I work full time and have that pesky three-year-old that always seems to hang around? The only thing I have to remember this whole time is that I can do it.

So before I dive head first into this new week, my thankful ten:

1. I am thankful for the confidence I have in myself.
2. I am thankful for the help and support of my friends. (Shout out to Will and Andrea! Woot-woot!)
3. For J doing everything he can to help me, even taking a extra day off of work.
4. For my in-laws, even they are trying to make my life easier, and not just, but especially this week.
5. For the confidence my friends, who asked me to do this feast for the 5th time, have in me.
6. Pizza delivery
7. Lists and my love of them.
8. Email - so I don't have to make a bi-gillion phone calls, or if I need help I can just broadcast it.
9. My creativity - though by the end of the week I might think it a curse.
10. My daughter. She does LET me do this crazy stuff. She also always wants to be around me and in my business because she loves me, and I know it.

I will try very hard to remember all of those things this week.