So, it's my fourth Mothers' Day today. This year included the following acquisitions:
I woke up before the others, made myself some coffee, and called my Mom to wish her a happy day. Then I was ready to begin my selected project of the day; A yeast-free, wheat-free, sugar-free, honey-free, spelt-free, and dairy-free bread. What can I say? I like a challenge.
Here's how it started:
Here's how it ended:
I used this recipe.
I stalk Karina regularly to steal her awesome ideas to use at work for special orders and the like. This is her version of an Irish Soda Bread. I left out the caraway and raisins. I also made a rookie mistake left out the salt. I then decided to wash the top with water and give it a salt sprinkle halfway through baking to attempt to compensate. So far, it smells good. Very bread like. We'll see.
We had our traditional Sunday pancake making experience. The monkey sits on the counter in the kitchen eating chocolate chips and supervising whilst Mommy makes the pancakes. I splurged and got the super awesome blueberry-pork breakfast sausage and fresh blackberries (my favorite) from Whole Foods.
The Gorilla and monkey and I are all going to his parent's house for lunch. I'm cooking; grilled pork tenderloin, zucchini-corn GF pasta salad, and I also made a raspberry GF SF DF cobbler, adapted from yet another of Karina's recipes. It's pretty much a raspberry cake. I make no promises, but when one can eat very few things I'm sure she will think it delicious.
So, Happy Mothers' Day and as the song says that plays whenever the monkey opens the musical card she gave me, "Don't worry, be happy now."